Mobile App Testing
Software Testing

Top 4 Challenges In Mobile App Testing

Mobile technology is growing at a miraculous rate. Thousands of mobile apps are introduced every day. In fact, it is projected that the global revenue for mobile app stores will reach up to 935 billion U.S. dollars in 2023. This proves that people are obsessed with smartphones. This has enticed companies to bring innovation by […]

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Growth Hacking Strategies

7 Growth Hacking Strategies that Wins

How growth hacking can help your business Almost 100 million businesses are launched every year, according to GEM Global Report (almost 3 new businesses every second). The purpose of any business is to generate profits, benefit end-users, retain them, and seek gradual growth over the years. However, with quite a number of startups each year, 90% […]

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B2B Marketing Budget

How to Set a B2B Marketing Budget

Crafting a successful marketing strategy is analogous to baking a cake. There are numerous fixings needed to be fused organized appropriately to work appropriately. Missing one ingredient can ruin your entire recipe. In addition to this, it has been observed that the finished product might not appeal that much to customers in spite of having […]

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Best Pregnancy Apps
Health & Wellness

5 Best Pregnancy Apps for Pregnant Moms

Pregnancy is the most difficult time in the life of a woman. Taking care of the health of the child and mom is equally important. However, for the first time pregnant moms, many questions need to be answered, such as what to take, what to avoid, how to handle specific situations and so forth. Imagine […]

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Improve Startup Sales

6 Tips to Improve Your Startup Sales

Startup Sales A failure to establish a strong connection with the customers is the major cause of many start-up disasters. Running out of capital, lack of interest in the market, premature scaling, are the most famous reasons for startup failures. They all have a root in disgruntled sales strategy. So, here are six tips that entrepreneurs […]

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