Manual Testing to Test Automation
Software Testing

The Role of CIOs in moving from Manual Testing to Test Automation

Leadership is a stepping stone for enterprises that are moving to agile environments. Testers and development teams make multiple decisions and work with various tools to achieve maximum results with their testing efforts. QA teams face many challenges when they shift to DevOps and Agile methodologies. Enterprises look for test automation companies to keep their […]

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Software Testing

Challenges in Issue Tracking and How to Tackle Them

Issue tracking is the most important part of SDLC. Kualitee Issue tracking tools play an important role in resolving issues and ensuring a smooth-running system. Interestingly, if not done right, you can face issues in issue tracking as well. So, let’s discuss some of the common problems that teams face while keeping the transparency in […]

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Defect Management Tool
Software Testing

6 Most Common Problems in a Defect Management Tool

The defect management system is one of the most important components of the software development lifecycle. Whenever a bug or error pops-up while developing an application, it is the need of the hour to look after the most common problems that are found in defect management tools and how they can be avoided. 1. Redefining Complicated Bug Reporting […]

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Mobile App Testing
Software Testing

Top 4 Challenges In Mobile App Testing

Mobile technology is growing at a miraculous rate. Thousands of mobile apps are introduced every day. In fact, it is projected that the global revenue for mobile app stores will reach up to 935 billion U.S. dollars in 2023. This proves that people are obsessed with smartphones. This has enticed companies to bring innovation by […]

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