Business cards can open new doors for your business. You might meet someone at a conference, networking event, meeting, or even a coffee shop and it might be convenient for you to exchange contact information in the hope of a potential business relationship. 

When you have to attract a business, first impression is important. But if you make mistakes with your business card, you might appear like an unprofessional or amateur and lose out on prospective deals. Here are the business card mistakes you need to avoid. 

  1. Incorrect Information

One of the most common business card printing mistakes you need to avoid is including wrong information. This can mean outdated contact details or a typo in the phone number or email address. So, make sure you review the professional business cards carefully prior to printing them to make sure everything is correct. It is particularly important to check the email address, especially when it contains double letters or many characters. It makes it easier for your target customers to contact you and make sure you keep gaining new contacts and businesses you can. 

  1. Avoid Using Thin Paper

So, you want to save money on your business cards. However, you should not do it by compromising on the paper stock. It is a common mistake that businesses make with luxury business cards. 

Nothing’s worse than being handed out a business, which simply flops around in your hand since it is as thick as a paper piece. To your customer, it will send a ‘I am cheap’ message to the recipient and will give the impression that you do not care about the brand image. 

So, you should go with at least 350GSM paper stock for your business cards. 

  1. Using Overwhelming Styling Choices

It might be important to insert your brand and personality into your business cards but it is also crucial to make sure that they are aesthetically pleasing and readable. Graphic images, lots of bold colors, lettering sizing, and mismatched fonts can overwhelm your recipients and make it difficult for them to read your card. Printing simple cards is much better than creating cards that is too busy. Look for colors complimenting one another and keep the color scheme restricted to 2-3 colors. Use simple graphic images. in case you choose to add text over an image, make sure the text is readable. 

While styling, you need to consider your readers. Business cards might be the first thing your potential customers come across and it is important they showcase what you are selling. 

  1. Choosing Poor and Harsh Color

It’s another mistake that people tend to make when they consider luxury business card printing. Business cards are important. A color that is harsh might seem uncomfortable since it creates a visual contrast. 

Keep in mind that too many saturated colors collide with each other and can impact the card design. Rather bright color inputting enough negative space makes your business card more attractive. Furthermore, poor or insufficient color application will only be in vain. 

  1. Not Sufficient Information

Even though it is simple to keep the business card simple, it is also crucial to include all the details an acquaintance or client might need to get in touch with you. To combat this, design a business card that people could just come across on the street and identify who you are, how to contact you, or what you do. One thing that businesses often omit when it comes to business cards is a selling point or value proposition. Make sure that the card recipients what you do and why they choose your business over others. 

  1. Choosing the Wrong Fonts

The font is a crucial design choice. when you are choosing your font, you first have to consider readability. A few fonts, while pretty or quirky, are challenging to read. there are some fonts that might not promote the professionalism you are looking for. Choosing a simple and basic front ascertains your readers can quickly access the crucial details without questioning what the card says. 

Author Bio:

Growing up around the smell of ink and the sound of machines, I fell in love with the magic of printing. So, I established PrintPapa to help everyday people with the hassles of Business card printing and help them network and grow their business. Hi, I am Steve Morgan, and I am your Friend for Business card printing.