Hey folks! You are not required to follow a tasteless and strict diet or visit expensive specialists to enhance your brain activity. Instead of all this, you must try something that is not difficult and expensive to follow. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and download scrabble apps.

This should be done for six important reasons explained below.

1. Good For People With Neurodegenerative Disorders

Playing scrabble app is extremely advantageous for people with neurodegenerative disorders. This is because; it targets a specific part of your brain. It is not a cure to this disease but it plays an imperative role in regressing the progress of neurological disorders.

2. Enhances The Vocabulary For Young Kids

Scrabble app plays an imperative role in enhancing the vocabulary for young kids. This app provides a great way for learning new words with fun. It is a bonus point for those whose children can play word games with the kids who have a different native language from their own language.

3. It Enables The Players To Form Strategies and Learn Tactics

The scrabble app is mostly concerned with words. The strategy-making is involved on a lesser scale. However, it is not sufficient to create long words. You must have a strategy about putting the right letter on particular fields that allow letter bonuses and valuable double and triple words. It is very important that you concentrate on the options that are left for your opponents. Therefore, it has proved to be a good brain exercise.

4. Enhances your Focus

In this fast pace world, it can be very difficult to focus on one thing. As a result, our attention spans have become very short. We are habitual of doing so many tasks simultaneously. These skills are extremely useful when it comes to maintaining focus for a longer time period.  

In order to enhance your focus, you should do more activities that require increased focus. This is extremely challenging primarily. However, it is absolutely worth it. This is because; it will help you to excel in various areas of your life that need more concentration.

5. Enhances your Memory

You must have heard about the myriad of various tasks you should do. This will assist you to become smarter and enhance your intelligence quotient. It makes your brain work fast like a bullet. However, one thing that enhances your cognitive performance is playing scrabble app games.

Training your memory often leads to enhanced cognitive capacity. This means that your brain works more efficiently when it has to deal with difficult tasks. It helps you to learn new words. In short, playing this game has a positive impact on your brain performance.

6. Advantageous For Cognitive Performance

This is one of the best methods to keep your mind sharp as interacting with others enhances cognitive performance. It enables us to draw a comparison between perspectives with other people and assists us to view situations from a different perspective. It decreases your stress level as you interact with your friends. Long-term stress can negatively impact your cognitive performance.it means installing a scrabble app is great.  The more you spend time on the scrabble app, the better it is for your brain.


Taking good care of your brain is a very important thing. The best thing is you can do it sitting at home, just by installing a scrabble app. Therefore, play scrabble regularly with your friends is fun and a good method to guarantee that you stay on top of your game.