As the name implies, semiconductor inspection systems are devices that can spot flaws or defects in semiconductor chips before they are made. The emergence of Internet of Things and its later incorporation in linked devices in key industries can be positive signs for the sector and give it a much-needed boost. Semiconductor inspection systems provide essential advantages such the early detection of equipment malfunctions, durability, and excellent performance, as well as no production delays. Its extensive use in the production of consumer electronics, particularly because of the rising demand for air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines, has caused a seismic spike in recent years.
Different Uses
In order to ensure flawless quality of the finished product, semiconductor inspection systems are used to find flaws in semiconductor devices. The examination is typically carried out during the production of semiconductor devices. Large production procedures are involved in the full creation of semiconductor devices, and failure at any one stage causes the next stage to be interrupted. Therefore, semiconductor inspection systems are employed to prevent the creation of defective products. In-line inspection, critical dimension measurement, and other types of inspection are all necessary on the manufacturing line for the semiconductor sector. On a semiconductor wafer, pattern flaws and tiny particles are typically the predominant defects seen. Systems for inspecting semiconductors raise the standard of manufactured goods and offer application assistance. The majority of electronic gadgets, including mobile phones, tablets, computers, digital cameras, & network switches, use these inspection systems. These systems have an extensive range of uses in Internet of Things (IoT)-based hardware and semiconductor memory products including ROM, DRAM, and NVRAM.
Growing Need for Wafer Semiconductor Inspection System
A wafer is in fact a thin semiconductor slice, such as crystalline silicon, used in the production of solar cells and integrated circuits. Physical and pattern flaws on wafers are found using semiconductor wafer inspection systems. Wafer inspection systems actively maintain high process throughput while looking for particles on the surface and at the bottom of contact holes.
Large Enterprises make the Utmost Use of Semiconductor Inspection System
The majority of semiconductor inspection system users are big businesses. This includes integrated device makers like Intel Corporation and Samsung Corporation as well as foundries like TSMC & GlobalFoundry. Samsung Corporation stated in November 2021 that it will establish a semiconductor manufacturing facility in Texas in response to the rising demand for semiconductors for phones and other gadgets. The business intended to spend US$17 billion on the construction of this plant. It is predicted that a sizeable portion of that sum will be used to buy semiconductor metrology and inspection tools. The semiconductor metrology and inspection market expansion for this sector is anticipated to be driven by such strategic developments taken by significant organizations.
COVID-19 Analysis
The COVID-19 epidemic caused significant disruptions in Asia Pacific, which is the region that produces and consumes the most semiconductors. Since the majority of nations blocked their borders and most shipments were delayed or cancelled, China, the world’s largest producer of electrical products, was severely impacted. Taiwan and South Korea both saw instances of the same kind of thing. The pandemic and containment initiatives hampered the supply chain and caused a significant backlog of orders among major industry participants, which had a detrimental effect on the growth of the semiconductor metrology and inspection market. However, in 2020’s third quarter, this scenario radically shifted. Manufacturers of semiconductors were compelled to look for alternate strategies to optimize their resource utilization due to a global shortage of semiconductors. As a result, they began implementing cutting-edge metrology and inspection tools to minimize raw material waste.
This significantly increased the size of the semiconductor metrology and inspection market. Additionally, numerous economies that were heavily dependent on semiconductors were decimated by the shortfall. Such nations began drafting legislation and providing incentives to increase domestic semiconductor manufacture. As a result, after 2020’s third quarter, semiconductor metrology and inspection equipment saw a sharp increase in demand. From 2020 to 2021, ASML Holding N.V.’s metrology and inspection segment grew by about 78% year over year. Several other semiconductor metrology and inspection equipment market participants have also seen growth rates similar to these. Therefore, even if the pandemic affected revenue generation in the first half of 2020, it had a beneficial effect on the semiconductor metrology and inspection business.
Wrapping Up
Owing to its alluring features and endless benefits it has a wide range of applications and is surely here to stay.
Avinash Sawakhande is a writer and a blogger. He holds a master’s degree in MBA from Pune University and works as a content writer at Market Research Future. He has avid interest in writing news articles across different verticals. When he is not following updates and trends, he spends his time reading, writing poetry, and playing football. He also possesses an avid interest in world politics and Cricket.