Are you wondering how to create a successful hashtag campaign that generates leads, traffic, and awareness on Instagram? With over a billion users, Instagram is one of the best platforms to grow your brand. Did you know that you can create a hashtag campaign won’t take much time? Of course, yes! With the help of this article, you can do that. 

Before getting into this article, you should know this. By leveraging ProHashtag, you can generate hashtags relevant to your campaign on Instagram. So, are you ready to dive into this article and learn more about hashtag campaigns on Instagram? Let’s get started without delay!

What Is a Hashtag Campaign On Instagram?

A hashtag campaign is nothing but a marketing campaign that uses hashtags to improve reach and engagement. Many brands and businesses are using hashtags in their campaign posts and encouraging their followers to do the same. 

If you think hashtags are more effective on Twitter, you are wrong. Other than Twitter, many social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are using hashtags to promote their brands and business as well. 

Here are some reasons why Instagram is the best platform to perform hashtag campaigns. They are as follows.

  • Instagram has a large number of users of all ages and demographics. 
  • A high amount of engagement rates with many brands.
  • Many users and brands use hashtags in large amounts. 

How To Perform A Successful Hashtag Campaign On Instagram?

Moving on to the exciting part of this article. It is now time to break down Instagram hashtag campaigns into five simple steps. 

Step 1: Make Campaign Goals

The first and foremost step you should take is to set your campaign goals. You must not skip this step because, without certain goals, it will be challenging to complete the campaign. Here are some examples to make specific goals. 

  • Create a SMART goal first. Note down what you want to achieve through this hashtag campaign. Make a goal that is relevant, time-based, and attainable. 
  • Secondly, get to know your audience’s engagement level. What do you want your followers to do? Learn what type of hashtags will resonate with your followers.

Step 2: Choose Your Hashtag

Once you are done setting your goals, you should choose a hashtag for your Instagram campaign. If you’re doing giveaways in your hashtag campaign, you must choose a branded hashtag. Also, you have to keep it simple when creating your branded hashtags.

By taking advantage of the best instagram hashtag generator, you can create your desired branded hashtags effortlessly. Also, remember to think in basic and simple terms. Try to brainstorm more options and even get inspiration from your followers. 

Step 3: Associate With Other Brands

For the third step, you can associate with other brand owners to make your hashtag campaign even more successful. There are several ways you can do this. One is to collaborate with another brand and hold a giveaway. 

Another great option is to partner with Instagram influencers to promote your hashtag campaign. Make use of them to give a teaser to your campaign’s brand opening. According to your budget and the number of followers you have, you can collaborate with them. 

Step 4: Post Quality Content

To take your hashtag campaign to the next step, you must post quality content on Instagram. The best way to post great content is by leveraging user-generated content. To perform a user-generated campaign, post content that your audience admires the most. 

Uploading pictures of your friends, employees, and family members to kick things off on Instagram. If you perform a giveaway campaign on Instagram, you can post stunning and eye-catching photos of your products to make your followers scroll-stop. 

Step 5: Promote Your Hashtag Campaign

The last and final step is to promote your hashtag campaign beyond everything. Since it is the most important part, ensure you are using relevant hashtags in your campaign. If not, use a free instagram hashtag generator to get your suitable hashtags instantly. 

To promote your hashtag campaign, you must think in many different ways. For instance, you can collaborate with other creators and influencers to share it on their Instagram Stories. Or else, you can pitch your hashtag campaign to the press.

The Five Most Successful Hashtag Campaigns on Instagram

As you have learned the five essential steps to perform a successful hashtag campaign on Instagram. Here are some examples of successful hashtag campaigns of all time. 

  1. Coca-Cola’s “#ShareACoke”
  2. ALS Association’s “#IceBucketChallenge”
  3. RedBull’s “#PutACanOnIt”
  4. Charmin’s “#TweetFromTheSeat”
  5. Nest’s “#CaughtOnDropCam”

End of the Line

Creating an excellent hashtag campaign might look like a lot of work. However, with little effort and time, you can gain more traffic, awareness, and reach. So it will be totally worth it. Always bear in mind to use your hashtag more authentic and frequently to attract more audience on Instagram. Finally, what do you think about this article? Let us know in the comments!

Author Bio

Hi, I’m James Faulkner. I’m a writer and an Instagram expert. I love telling stories and creating content that helps people see the world from a different perspective. I’m passionate about helping small businesses use Instagram to reach their target audience and grow their business. My mission is to inspire others to create content that resonates with their audience and makes an impact on the world.