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Vaginal discharge is a common occurrence during pregnancy, with variations in colour, texture, and volume. While most discharge should typically be clear or milky white, different colours can sometimes signify underlying health issues. In this article, we will explore vaginal discharge during pregnancy, delve into the meaning behind various discharge colours, and discuss when it’s crucial to consult the best gynec hospital in Ahmedabad.

Normal Discharge:

It’s important to note that having discharge at different stages of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy is entirely normal. Healthy vaginal discharge, also known as leukorrhea, tends to be thin, clear, or white, and generally has a mild odour. As pregnancy progresses, the volume of discharge naturally increases to reduce the risk of vaginal and uterine infections. In the final weeks of pregnancy, it can become heavier and may contain pink mucus, which is an indication that the body is preparing for labour.

Discharge Colours and Their Significance:

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy can vary in colour, each potentially indicating different health issues. Let’s explore the various colours and what they might signify:

Clear or Milky White:

Clear or milky white discharge is usually normal and healthy, especially when it has a mild scent.

However, any noticeable changes in quantity or consistency should prompt a visit to the best maternity hospital in Ahmedabad, as it could indicate preterm labour.

White and Lumpy:

Vaginal discharge that appears lumpy and white, similar to cottage cheese, may suggest a yeast infection, which is more common during pregnancy.

Other symptoms of a yeast infection include itching, burning, and discomfort during urination or intercourse.

Green or Yellow:

Green or yellow vaginal discharge is typically unhealthy and may indicate a sexually transmitted infection (STI) such as chlamydia or trichomoniasis.

STIs can lead to complications during pregnancy, affecting both the woman and the child. Some infections may remain asymptomatic for years, potentially causing long-term issues.


Grey discharge may be a sign of bacterial vaginosis (BV), especially if it has a fishy odour that intensifies after intercourse.

BV results from a bacterial imbalance in the vagina and is common during childbearing years.


Brown discharge during pregnancy is often due to old blood leaving the body, which can be an early pregnancy symptom. Generally, it’s not a cause for concern.

However, pregnant women experiencing dark brown discharge should contact the best gynaecologist hospital in ahmedabad.


Pink discharge can occur during early pregnancy or in the final weeks as the body prepares for labour. It may also appear before a miscarriage or during an ectopic pregnancy.

Studies have shown that light spotting during the first trimester does not necessarily increase the risk of miscarriage.


Red vaginal discharge during pregnancy warrants immediate medical attention, particularly if it’s heavy, contains clots, or is accompanied by cramping and abdominal pain.

This could indicate a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, both of which require urgent care.

Managing Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy:

To maintain vaginal health during pregnancy, consider the following:

  • Avoid using tampons.
  • Refrain from douching.
  • Choose unscented personal care products and feminine hygiene items.
  • Use panty liners to manage excess discharge.
  • Practise proper hygiene by wiping front to back.
  • Ensure thorough genital drying after bathing or swimming.
  • Opt for breathable underwear over tight jeans or nylon pantyhose.
  • Maintain a healthy diet with minimal sugar intake to prevent yeast infections.
  • Explore probiotic foods and supplements safe for consumption during pregnancy to maintain vaginal bacterial balance.

When to Seek Medical Attention:

If you experience an unusual discharge, it’s crucial to consult with the best gynaecologist doctor in Ahmedabad as it may indicate an infection or pregnancy-related issue. Prompt treatment is essential to avoid potential complications. Additionally, heavy, persistent bleeding, or bleeding accompanied by pain or cramps should be addressed promptly.


While increased vaginal discharge is a normal part of pregnancy, unusual colours, strong odours, or discomfort should be evaluated by a best gynaecologist in Ahmedabad. Green, yellow, or grey discharge may signify infections, while red discharge may signal a more serious issue. Monitoring and addressing these changes promptly ensures a healthy pregnancy journey.

Author Bio:

I’m Mamta, a seasoned content writer with a passion for crafting engaging articles. With experience spanning various industries, I specialize in delivering informative and captivating content that resonates with readers. My words aim to inform, inspire, and leave a lasting impact.

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