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Some people avail regular dental check-ups once a year, while some have biannual check-ups every six months. There are even people who have to go routine check-ups even more frequently. On an average there is usually a gap of 3 months to 2 years between two back to back routine dental check-ups. It is your decides the timeline of your routine check-ups. The expert takes this decision based on how healthy and strong your gums and the teeth are. If there is a risk of any problem in future the expert obviously suggests frequent check-ups. 

Routine dental check-ups are very important. These check-ups allow your dentist to diagnose your mouth thoroughly. More importantly a routine check-up enables the dentist to identify any upcoming issue related to your oral health in advance. The earlier an issue is detected the easier it is to treat and faster to cure. Routine dental check-ups are crucial to keep your mouth healthy and free from diseases. On the other hand when any issue is left untreated, ignored and unattended in course of time it snowballs into something severe and tormenting. Thus you gradually suffer from pain, discomfort and can even suffer tooth loss. In fact when any dental issue becomes complicated it proves more difficult to treat.  

Things you should expect at a routine dental check up

According to skilled and experienced oral health practitioners working at a reputed Confidental oral health practice in Wimbledon you can expect the following from your dentist during a normal, routine check -up.

  • The dentist will enquire about general health. 
  • The expert will also ask you how your teeth are since your last visit or check- up.
  • The dentist also enquires whether you have been taking any new medicine since your last visit.
  • In the next step the dentist diagnoses your teeth, gums and the overall mouth.
  • If the expert considers it important the dental team will carry out necessary x-rays, tests and treatment.
  • The dentist even discusses your present lifestyle and advices you on your diet, alcohol consumption, smoking and teeth cleaning. All these factors contribute in improving your oral health.
  • Lastly the expert tells you when your next visit is scheduled. Depending on the condition of your oral health the next visit could be anywhere 3 months and 2 years.

Routine brushing and flossing the teeth are crucial to maintain sound oral health. But even if you perform these activities properly every day still it is important to visit your dentist for routine check-ups from time to time. Routine dental check-ups are not only about checking the overall condition of your teeth and the gums. It also involves examining your mouth for any early sign of issues like tooth and gum decay, oral cancer and others.

More about a typical dental check up   

Usually routine visits to dentists involve normal check-up. During these check-up sessions dentists mostly start with asking a few general questions. The questions cover your general health as well as if you have recently experienced any dental issue of pain in the mouth. During the check up a dentist also carries out a complete diagnosis of the soft tissue lining that runs along your teeth, gums and the overall mouth.

If your dentist comes across any potential sign of problem they give you consultation to change your lifestyle for better. Like you may be asked to change your diet or give up smoking. In addition to that they also give you necessary tips on dental healthcare.   

A renowned Private dentistry Wimbledon, London says if you suffer from tartar build-up in that case your dentist may recommend you to undergo a scale and polish. The problem of tartar build-up is also known as calcified plaque build-up. The two are the same. The scale and polish procedure removes tartar and plaque from under your gum line.

In case any more problems are detected, the dentist will certainly recommend you the steps that you should take. These procedures often include the following –

  • Providing fillings to your decayed and damaged teeth
  • Treatment to cure gum disease and even
  • More tests to confirm a diagnosis

These solutions often come as written treatment plans. You have put your signature on the piece of paper before any treatment can start. In case your dentist forgets providing you with a proper treatment it is your duty to remind him or her for one.

Oral health treatments

If you need to undergo any treatment your dentist will decide that during the routine check-up. The expert will also inform you about that during that appointment session itself. The cost of private check-ups at dental practices varies widely compared to charges on the NHS. For example when Scotland is concerned NHS dental examination is free of charges. In some cases you can access free of charge dental treatment on the NHS.  

What about those who do not qualify for free dental treatment on the NHS? In those cases one needs to pay 80% of the NHS oral health treatment cost. This could amount to a maximum of £384 for each treatment course.

At any cost the prices of every dental treatment that a private dental surgery provides must be clearly displayed for convenience of patients. A private dentist Wimbledon says apart from displaying the charges it is equally important for the dental team to explain the charges in details individually to every potential patient to maintain transparency about cost. 

Dental x-rays

During routine dental check-ups dentists take x-rays of a patient’s mouth provided the need arises. We already mentioned that above. These dental x-rays prove helpful identifying any existing problems in your mouth that are not visible during a customary check-up. Moreover these oral x-rays also help identifying any upcoming problem that is likely to put you in trouble in the days or months to come. 

Dental x-rays of children usually show where the adult teeth are likely to erupt. As far as adults are concerned these x-rays show impacted teeth, damage to the jawbone, dental cysts, tumours and abscesses. In addition to that the x-rays also confirm tooth decay say dentists working in SW19 Confidental Dental Clinic. It is your dentist’s responsibility to decide the type of x-ray you need. In cases of pregnant women a dentist performs an x-ray only when it is badly needed. 

Author Bio:

Ellie Sanderson is a passionate dental health blogger, dedicated to promoting oral well-being and demystifying the world of dentistry. With a focus on oral health practices in Private Dentistry Wimbledon, Ellie delves into the nuances of dental care and procedures, particularly at Wimbledon Confidential and SW19 Confidential Dental Clinic.

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